Conde Nast Traveller Reviews SHA's Leader's Peformance Programme
13/02/2024, Conde Nast Traveller, Anita Bhagwandas
Conde Nast Traveller's Anita Bhagwandas travels to Spain to review the award-winning SHA' Wellness Clinic's brand new Leader's Peformance programme.
"After months of moaning about being burnt out, on top of the toll of actually feeling like roadkill, I needed to do something about my mental and physical state that would really stick. After a plethora of juice detoxes, fasts, intensive fitness retreats and meditating in silence for days – nothing has quite shifted my behaviour patterns enough to ensure I truly prioritise my health over the demands of work. In actuality, "intense" is probably what I need to really change my habits long-term. But, how intense could the Leader's Performance programme – billed as enhancing "optimal performance and long-lasting vitality for those who live under demanding conditions" at the much-lauded SHA Wellness Clinic in Spain – really be?"
Click here to read the article.
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