What Is 3GL Therapy?

18/07/2023, Euphoria Retreat

Behind the healing programmes of Euphoria Retreat lies a unique, clinically-proven process that allows them to create fully personalised exercise and nutrition plans that significantly boost your metabolism and energy levels.

A simple test gives their team of experts the information necessary at a microbiological level to precisely understand your body’s redox condition and its cellular needs in antioxidants, metabolic regulation, anti-ageing and longevity.

Should your exercise routine involve interval-based anaerobic workouts or a more measured anaerobic programme? What should be the precise level of antioxidants in your diet? And what’s your ideal combination of protein, carbs and fat intake in each meal?

The answers to these – and many other questions vital to your metabolic wellness – are determined through a patented technique called 3GL, which adds scientific grounding to the established benefits of traditional Chinese medicine and ancient Hellenic healing practices.


3GL is a personalised phenotypic health intervention based on nutrition and exercise, developed with Eucrasia, whose name refers to the Eucrasia Experience first defined by Hippocrates. At a scientific level, it measures and analyses the body’s levels of glutathione.

In simpler terms, it quantifies the real needs of your body in fuel, antioxidants and cellular protection.


For the redox condition of your body to be read, you would have to answer a questionnaire and give a blood test. This reading is done primarily through levels of glutathione, one of the most important endogenous antioxidants affecting lifestyle diseases such as morbid obesity, and even forms of cancer and auto-immune illness.

From this simple blood test, supported by results of clinical studies, it is also possible to assess the levels of blood glucose and glycogen, which also affect metabolic balance.

3GL Therapy Euphoria Resort


Unique to Euphoria Retreat, this is a model centred on the ground-breaking findings of James Watson, the father of modern biology, and more than two decades of research and numerous scientific publications in the field of human physiology, cell metabolism, nutritional biochemistry and ergophysiology by the Biochemistry and Biotechnology department of the University of Thessaly (Greece).

Building on the knowledge that free radicals that become detached from redox molecules, can become harmful to the human body if they don’t reattach to those molecules or an antioxidant, clinical studies were carried out on the redox status of élite athletes and more than 3,000 cases of obesity, diabetes and patients with metabolic syndromes.

In this way, it was possible to support Watson’s findings that maintaining a glutathione threshold is necessary to decrease the body’s bad genotypes - and therefore support anti-ageing and metabolic wellness.


As glutathione level is affected by age, vigorous exercise and physical condition, it is often necessary to boost or reduce its level to meet the optimal threshold. This is done by either stimulating the body’s cells – for instance with aerobic exercise and following a diet lower in antioxidants – or countering the stress in cells with a more leisurely workout programme and eating foods rich in antioxidants (pomegranates, melon, kiwi etc).

In all cases, 3GL Therapy is designed to be accompanied by smaller, regular meals taken throughout the day. Guests who book a Euphoria Retreat spa programme will, therefore, benefit from two complementary healthy snacks which, not only taste delicious but also significantly boost metabolism and energy levels, allowing your body to reach a level of antioxidants to improve longevity and good health.

If you are interested in visiting Euphoria Retreat to experiences 3GL therapy for yourself then get in touch with our experts today by calling 020 7843 3592 or enquire here.

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Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 2:00pm
020 7843 3597

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