Ayurveda Tips For Summer

12/06/2023, Sunita Passi, Ayurvedic Health Practitioner & Founder of Tri-Dosha

The year is divided up in different ways across the world. In Europe, we know four seasons, while India follows a six-season model. According to Ayurveda, each season has its own characteristics and that impacts our bodies differently. Sunita Passi, Ayurvedic Health Practitioner and founder of Tri-Dosha skincare shares with us her top Ayurveda tips for the current season of Vasant (spring) and Grishma (summer). 


  • Vasant - Spring
  • Grishma - Summer
  • Varsha - Monsoon
  • Sharad - Autumn
  • Hemant - Pre winter
  • Shishir - Winter


We’re already in Vasant Ritu, (Indian Spring), a time of plant growth and blossoming flowers. As it comes straight after Shishira ritu (winter), there may be an accumulation of ama (toxins) from a sedentary season and eating more heavy foods. We know it also as Kapha season.

Foods to eat in Kapha Season

There are certain foods that are good to eat during this season, including garlic, stimulating the activity of the immune system; ginger, which can help with the residue of various Kapha problems, likes colds, coughs, and reducing mucous from the chest. Raw onion is another great cooking ingredient for this season, helping during digestion and drinking a neem decoction, which helps against skin rashes if the weather heats up. It is best to avoid too many dairy products and cold items. 

Wellness activities in Kapha Season

Exercise should be warming, like hot yoga or yoga postures that really warm the body up, this helps remove toxins helping reduce medha dhatu. Be careful not to nap in the afternoon, and try and use an ubtan in the bath (herbal powder) to detox the skin and scrub the dead skin cells. This also helps with removing toxins and generally leaves the skin light and glowing.


Vasant Ritu will be followed in mid-May by Grishma Ritu. That’s when summer is at its height - and heat. Having two more seasons offers opportunities to work with doshas in line with changing temperatures, and summer itself is attuned to Pitta. 

Foods to eat in Pitta Season

Light foods and lots of liquids are recommended for eating and drinking. And with more available in the way of salad vegetables and fruit, there are plenty of choices. If you’re into dairy, then yoghurt and cottage cheese are good too, great with sweet and savoury tastes alike. As for drinks, this is absolutely the time of the year to get out long glasses and enjoy herbal teas. I’m keen on both mint and ginger, equally good for benefits that linger across the day: make up a pot to enjoy over the course of a morning. And at day’s end, as part of your pre-bed wind-down.

Wellness activities in Pitta Season

One aspect of that is finding ways to maintain your cool…which can apply to temper as well as heat. Exercising early without pushing yourself all the way to 10 is a useful tip. Keep some energy in reserve, basically, to get through longer hotter days happily. Your solar plexus retains heat (solar is the giveaway there!), so yoga poses that strengthen and stretch your abdomen are recommended.

It is worth noting, all constitutions are strongly influenced by time. Vata-caused problems, for example, always worsen during Autumn and early winter in old age. Also, they can feel aggravated after digestion and during the late afternoon. Pitta dominates during digestion and at midday, and really increases during summer and middle age, we are now moving into what we could call a Pitta season! And then there is nurturing Kapha, dominating after eating and before digestion begins. Also at daybreak and nightfall, during later winter and early Spring, we are just coming out of this season. We also see Kapha present in childhood and youth.


A Vata person will naturally find it more difficult to maintain balance when Vata predominates in a season since the environment itself will reinforce Vata’s strength. Pitta people similarly tend to find Pitta increasing within them dramatically during Pitta-predominant periods, even Kapha people may find Kapha seasons hard to negotiate. Autumn is often the worst season for Vata because the weather is more changeable then, and because wind storms like hurricanes and tornados are prevalent.

Adapting your routine will really help you get into the flow of balancing your doshas. As we are in Kapha season:

  • Stay warm
  • Eat light meals consisting of grounding, easy-to-digest foods
  • Add zest to your diet with spices such as cinnamon
  • Minimize dairy and sugar
  • Start your morning with a natural stimulant such as ginger tea
  • Get plenty of regular exercises

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About The Author
Sunita Passi is a TEDx Speaker, BBC Radio Host, Ayurvedic Health Practitioner and founder of Tri-Dosha skincare. Her work explores how ideas in Eastern medicine are as relevant today as 5000 years ago.

Ayurveda Self-Care Tips For Winter

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